Dusty Old Songs

Dusty Old Songs CD
from $20.00

Well, this is something that I get countless emails, faxes, telegrams, homing pigeons and rotary phone calls about. 🗣️ “WHERE CAN I BUY YOUR CD?!!!” So it seemed like a good time to make it happen. Dusty Old Songs is a compilation of my dustiest (and oldiest) tunes from the past few years for your listening enjoyment…if you still even own a CD player. I, however, do not. So let me know how it is! 

Now, I know that if most of you had it your way, this would be an album of all new covers and/or originals...but alas, that it still not a possibility on my ever so tightly squinched timeline. But I hope you will enjoy the physical tangibleness of it nonetheless.

Click the photo above or HERE to get your copy of “Dusty Old Songs”



Song of Durin - Now Playing

